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Instructions for Selection and Publications of Research Articles or Reviews in CSSAIL Journals

There are two Research Journals of the Centre for Security Studies and International Law (CSSAIL), namely:–

1. Islamabad Journal of Politics and Security Studies (IJ-PASS)

There are two Research Journals of the Centre for Security Studies and International Law (CSSAIL), namely:–

  • Islamabad Journal of Politics and Security Studies (IJ-PASS)
  • Islamabad Journal of Policy and Law (IJ-PAL).
  1. Both the Journals are bi-Annual or Half-yearly. Winter Issues are published in the months of January and the Summer Issues are published in the months of July every year respectively.
  2. Papers and Book Reviews are called with following schedules for publication in the Islamabad Journal of Politics and Security Studies (IJ-PASS):
No. Issue Call up Notice Last Date Publication of Journal
(1) Winter


1st July 31st July January of next year
(2) Summer 1st January 31st January July of the same year
  1. General Guidelines regarding publications of Articles and Book Review are provided separately which may be perused first and all such General Guidelines in addition to Guidelines prescribed by HEC are also applicable on publications of Articles and Book Reviews, etc.
  2. AIMS AND SCOPE: The mission of the IJ-PASS is to promote scholarship through research and intellectual discourse in different fields of Political Philosophy, Governance and Constitutional Issues, Democracy and Representation Issues,National Affairs, International Relations, Defence and Strategic Studies and Diplomacy in addition to following specialized areas of scholarly pursuits and research:
  • Political Philosophy and Ideologies.
  • Political Systems and Representation.
  • Constitutional Systems.
  • Law, Justice and Morality.
  • State and State Power.
  • National Security and Strategy.
  • Foreign Policy and International Relations.
  • International Security and UN System.
  • International Justice and Dispute Settlement System.
  • Security Studies and Ideologies relating to Security Studies.
  • Dialogue on Political Philosophy and Ideologies.
  • Islamabad School of Security Studies.
  • National Politics, Governance and Policy.
  • Energy and Environment.
  • Constitutional and Judicial System.
  • National Security, Defence and Strategic Studies.
  • Food Security, Health and Education.
  • Economy, Budgeting and Development.
  • UNO and its Role in International Peace and Security.
  • Role of International and Regional Organizations.
  • Pakistan-China Relations, Belt and Road Initiative and CPEC.
  • South-Asian Regional Issues – Relations with India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.
  • Iran, Middle East and Africa.
  • South & North America, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Far East Countries, etc.
  • Europe & United Kingdom.
  • Russia and Central Asia.
  • Miscellaneous issues having relevance with above said matters, directly and indirectly, or any other issued of general public importance of contemporaneous nature.
  1. The Journal welcomes Articles containing original ideas on one or more above-mentioned issues or aspects. Review Articles and Book Reviews pointing out different issues discussed and raised in different Articles or Books amongst the above subjects are also made part of the Journal.
  2. The Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed and impartial publication which prefer issues of national and international importance. Experts, Analysts, Researchers, Practitioners in the relevant fields and academics are requested to contribute their Articles and Review for advancement of learning and knowledge and general good of national and international society which is now a global village due to communication explosion.
  3. Journal make efforts to accommodate all points of view from all segments of intellectuals and researchers. However, Editorial Board reserves right to give preference to Articles or Reviews of the researchers and intellectuals of the Centre. A rational balance is maintained keeping in view publishing constraints.
  4. CLARITY OF THINKING AND REASONING A HALMARK: Editorial Team, Editorial Board and Reviewers prefer Articles and Reviews written with logical clarity, in simple language and expression and by using terminology of the relevant subject or area of research. Language, grammar and syntax is another requirement which makes any intellectual writing reading-worthy. Abstract and Recommendations/Conclusion should be meticulously written, summed up and comprehensive conveying the main ideas and themes of the topic of research.
  5. STANDARD PRINCIPLES OF RESEARCH: Editorial Team, Editorial Board and Reviewers always prefer Articles and Reviewers written in the light of standards principles of research, discussion of relevant doctrines and applicable theories and data analysis on the basis of different quantitative techniques if any data is used in research Article or Review, etc.
  6. PLAGIARISM TEST AND REPORT: All Articles and Reviews are subject to Plagiarism Test and Report about originality of content and only Articles and Reviews which qualify the required standards of originality are accepted for publication process. Articles and Reviews which are already published in any form or in any Journal, Newspaper, Thesis or Dissertation, etc., are rejected at the outset summarily.
  7. SPECIAL ISSUES: In case of publication of Special Issues of the Journal on a particular issue of national, regional or international importance separate Call UP Notice is published on the Website of the Centre prescribing with timeframe and other parameters for Articles for such Special Issue.
  8. The Journal is having an outreach to a large number of individuals, institutional researchers, policy-makers, decision-makers and opinion leaders and to general public with country and across the globe due to its impartial and independent policy-related analysis, perspective and historical contributions, findings, conclusions and recommendations on the issues of national and international importance in the contemporary world.
  9. REVIEW AND PUBLICATION POLICY: All articles containing impartial perspective analysis of the issues are thoroughly considered by the Editorial Board and shortlisted after keeping in view standard qualitative factors prescribed and recognized internationally for research articles and Book Reviews. Shortlisted articles are reviewed by TWO PEER REVIEWERS(Double Blind Peer Review)who are experts in their fields of learning and subject. However, final decision regarding publication of Articles and Reviews is dependent on Editorial Board’s decision subject timelines of review process which is exclusively rests on the availability and speed of response of the Reviewer. Finally, all selected Articles and Reviews are published being in line with policy of the Centre, observation of style and referencing restrictions and availability of space in the Journal.
  10. CERTIFICATE BY THE AUTHOR(S): The authors should send a duly signed certificate or undertaking regarding originality and quality (plagiarism test or report, if carried by the author) of the Article or Review clearly stating that the author has complied all internationally recognized principles of Qualitative Research in line with HEC and Guidelines of the Centre with a brief Biographical Profile containing telephone number(s) (mobile and landline), e-mail address and other necessary particulars, if any, while sending the Article or Review.
  11. ARTICLE AND AUTHOR(S) PROFILE: Article Title, Abstract, Findings/Recommendations/Conclusions, Author(s) full name, institutional affiliation with designation of author(s), brief Biographical AND Educational Profile, E-mail Address and telephonic contacts should be submitted in separate MS Word file.
  12. MS OFFICE FILE FORMAT: The Article or Review should be in MS Office File Format (MS Word Document) only.
  13. ARTICLE PROCESSING: Articles or Review is processed in the following stages immediately at its receipt:
  • Auto-generated Acknowledgement of the Article or Review.
  • Preliminary Qualitative Review by the Editorial Team.
  • Initial Plagiarism Test and summary rejection of Article or Review if Plagiarism Test is not satisfactory.
  • On satisfactory Plagiarism Test, the Article or Review is placed before the Editorial Board for its examination, scrutiny, qualitative and content review according to Policy of the Journal.
  • If the Editorial Board approves processing of the Article or Review, then the Article or Review is sent for Double Blind Peer Review (Article or Review is sent to Two Impartial Reviewers without name of the author) and this process takes 2-4 months.
  • Reviewers may suggest major or minor changes or revisions or reject the manuscript summarily if qualitatively not qualified or not containing any new or original idea with final recommendations of the Reviewer(s).
  • Editorial Board considers suggestions and recommendations of the Reviewer(s) and decided about further processing. In case of minor changes or revisions, the Article is sent to the author to make such changes or revisions within fixed timeframe. In case the Reviewer(s) rejected the Article summarily from quality or content aspect then Article or Review stands rejected for publication in the Journal.
  • After return of the Article from the author within prescribed timeframe, final Plagiarism Test is carried and on satisfactory Test Report, the Editorial Board consider the Article for inclusion in the forthcoming issue of the Journal subject to availability of space.
  • If the Article is finally approved by the Editorial Board for publication but could not be published in the forthcoming Issue of the Journal then the same is kept for publication in future Issues or in any Special Issue(s), if so published, subject to intimation to the author accordingly.
  • Decision of the Editorial Team or Editorial Board is final in all matters about any Article.
  1. HEC Recognition for Academic Purposes: So far Journal is not recognized by HEC. There is also no assignment of category amongst level qualitative research index. However, process of recognition is being initiated which will be completed within due course of time which will intimated.

2. Islamabad Journal of Policy and Law (IJ-PAL).

There are two Research Journals of the Centre for Security Studies and International Law (CSSAIL), namely:–

  • Islamabad Journal of Politics and Security Studies (IJ-PASS)
  • Islamabad Journal of Policy and Law (IJ-PAL).
  1. Both the Journals are bi-Annual or Half-yearly. Winter Issues are published in the months of January and the Summer Issues are published in the months of July every year respectively.
  2. Papers and Book Reviews are called with following schedules for publication in the Islamabad Journal of Policy and Law (IJ-PAL):
No. Issue Call up Notice Last Date Publication of Journal
(1) Winter


1st July 31st July January of next year
(2) Summer 1st January 31st January July of the same year
  1. General Guidelines regarding publications of Articles and Book Review are provided separately which may be perused first and all such General Guidelines in addition to Guidelines prescribed by HEC are also applicable on publications of Articles and Book Reviews, etc.
  2. AIMS AND SCOPE: The mission of the IJ-PAL is to promote scholarship through research and intellectual discourse in different fields of Policy, Legislative Process, Legislation, Different Areas/Branches of Law, Crime and Criminality, Crime and Punishment(s), Law Reform, Law and Religion, Law and Morality Legal Research mainly. In addition to all these the following are other specialized areas of scholarly pursuits and research covered by the Journal:
  • Policy and Policy domain.
  • Policy-making and review process.
  • Policy and law.
  • Difference between Policy and Law.
  • Political Policies of the Government and Constitution.
  • Parameters and limitations of Federal and Provincial Law.
  • National Laws and Laws of other countries in their comparative perspective.
  • Model Law and their National Relevance.
  • Globalization Perspective of Law.
  • Concept of Uniformity of Laws Globally.
  • Legislation and Legislative Performance.
  • Constitutional Law and Institutions.
  • Judiciary and Administration of Justice
  • Law, Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance.
  • Current Issues of Law i.e. Policing, Terrorism, Terrorist Financing and Money-laundering.
  • International Law and International Court of Justice (ICJ).
  • International Law on terrorism, money-laundering and Non-state Actors.
  • Issues in International Law.
  • International Trade Law and International Trade Organizations.
  • International Dispute Settlement Mechanisms and Arbitration and Arbitration Centre.
  • Issues in International Trade.
  • Miscellaneous issues having relevance with above said matters, directly and indirectly, or any other issued of general public importance of contemporaneous nature.
  1. The Journal welcomes Articles containing original ideas on one or more above-mentioned issues or aspects. Review Articles and Book Reviews pointing out different issues discussed and raised in different Articles or Books amongst the above subjects are also made part of the Journal.
  2. The Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed and impartial publication which prefer issues of national and international importance. Experts, Analysts, Researchers, Practitioners in the relevant fields and academics are requested to contribute their Articles and Review for advancement of learning and knowledge and general good of national and international society which is now a global village due to communication explosion.
  3. Journal make efforts to accommodate all points of view from all segments of intellectuals and researchers. However, Editorial Board reserves right to give preference to Articles or Reviews of the researchers and intellectuals of the Centre. A rational balance is maintained keeping in view publishing constraints.
  4. CLARITY OF THINKING AND REASONING A HALMARK: Editorial Team, Editorial Board and Reviewers prefer Articles and Reviews written with logical clarity, in simple language and expression and by using terminology of the relevant subject or area of research. Language, grammar and syntax is another requirement which makes any intellectual writing reading-worthy. Abstract and Recommendations/Conclusion should be meticulously written, summed up and comprehensive conveying the main ideas and themes of the topic of research.
  5. STANDARD PRINCIPLES OF RESEARCH: Editorial Team, Editorial Board and Reviewers always prefer Articles and Reviewers written in the light of standards principles of research, discussion of relevant doctrines and applicable theories and data analysis on the basis of different quantitative techniques if any data is used in research Article or Review, etc.
  6. PLAGIARISM TEST AND REPORT: All Articles and Reviews are subject to Plagiarism Test and Report about originality of content and only Articles and Reviews which qualify the required standards of originality are accepted for publication process. Articles and Reviews which are already published in any form or in any Journal, Newspaper, Thesis or Dissertation, etc., are rejected at the outset summarily.
  7. SPECIAL ISSUES: In case of publication of Special Issues of the Journal on a particular issue of national, regional or international importance separate Call UP Notice is published on the Website of the Centre prescribing with timeframe and other parameters for Articles for such Special Issue.
  8. The Journal is having an outreach to a large number of individuals, institutional researchers, policy-makers, decision-makers and opinion leaders and to general public with country and across the globe due to its impartial and independent policy-related analysis, perspective and historical contributions, findings, conclusions and recommendations on the issues of national and international importance in the contemporary world.
  9. REVIEW AND PUBLICATION POLICY: All articles containing impartial perspective analysis of the issues are thoroughly considered by the Editorial Board and shortlisted after keeping in view standard qualitative factors prescribed and recognized internationally for research articles and Book Reviews. Shortlisted articles are reviewed by TWO PEER REVIEWERS(Double Blind Peer Review)who are experts in their fields of learning and subject. However, final decision regarding publication of Articles and Reviews is dependent on Editorial Board’s decision subject timelines of review process which is exclusively rests on the availability and speed of response of the Reviewer. Finally, all selected Articles and Reviews are published being in line with policy of the Centre, observation of style and referencing restrictions and availability of space in the Journal.
  10. CERTIFICATE BY THE AUTHOR(S): The authors should send a duly signed certificate or undertaking regarding originality and quality (plagiarism test or report, if carried by the author) of the Article or Review clearly stating that the author has complied all internationally recognized principles of Qualitative Research in line with HEC and Guidelines of the Centre with a brief Biographical Profile containing telephone number(s) (mobile and landline), e-mail address and other necessary particulars, if any, while sending the Article or Review.
  11. ARTICLE AND AUTHOR(S) PROFILE: Article Title, Abstract, Findings/Recommendations/Conclusions, Author(s) full name, institutional affiliation with designation of author(s), brief Biographical AND Educational Profile, E-mail Address and telephonic contacts should be submitted in separate MS Word file.
  12. MS OFFICE FILE FORMAT: The Article or Review should be in MS Office File Format (MS Word Document) only.
  13. ARTICLE PROCESSING: Articles or Review is processed in the following stages immediately at its receipt:
  • Auto-generated Acknowledgement of the Article or Review.
  • Preliminary Qualitative Review by the Editorial Team.
  • Initial Plagiarism Test and summary rejection of Article or Review if Plagiarism Test is not satisfactory.
  • On satisfactory Plagiarism Test, the Article or Review is placed before the Editorial Board for its examination, scrutiny, qualitative and content review according to Policy of the Journal.
  • If the Editorial Board approves processing of the Article or Review, then the Article or Review is sent for Double Blind Peer Review (Article or Review is sent to Two Impartial Reviewers without name of the author) and this process takes 2-4 months.
  • Reviewers may suggest major or minor changes or revisions or reject the manuscript summarily if qualitatively not qualified or not containing any new or original idea with final recommendations of the Reviewer(s).
  • Editorial Board considers suggestions and recommendations of the Reviewer(s) and decided about further processing. In case of minor changes or revisions, the Article is sent to the author to make such changes or revisions within fixed timeframe. In case the Reviewer(s) rejected the Article summarily from quality or content aspect then Article or Review stands rejected for publication in the Journal.
  • After return of the Article from the author within prescribed timeframe, final Plagiarism Test is carried and on satisfactory Test Report, the Editorial Board consider the Article for inclusion in the forthcoming issue of the Journal subject to availability of space.
  • If the Article is finally approved by the Editorial Board for publication but could not be published in the forthcoming Issue of the Journal then the same is kept for publication in future Issues or in any Special Issue(s), if so published, subject to intimation to the author accordingly.
  • Decision of the Editorial Team or Editorial Board is final in all matters about any Article.
  1. HEC Recognition for Academic Purposes: So far Journal is not recognized by HEC. There is also no assignment of category amongst level qualitative research index. However, process of recognition is being initiated which will be completed within due course of time which will intimated.
  1. Both the Journals are bi-Annual or Half-yearly. Winter Issues are published in the months of January and the Summer Issues are published in the months of July every year respectively.
  2. Papers and Book Reviews are called with following schedules:
  1. Scope: Details about main areas and subjects covered by the Journals are provided separately in their relevant Call Up Notices.
  2. Submission Deadline: Submission Deadline is final and no Article in any case will be accepted after final date of submission.
  3. Mode of Submission of Articles: Articles are required to be submitted on Email Address of the Editor prior to last date of submission. No Article shall be accepted by hand, courier services of postal services. However, the Author of the Article shall also submit Hard Copy by courier or postal services before the closing date.SUBMISSION OF BOTH HARD AND SOFT COPIES IS MANDATORY.
  4. Ethical Guidelines: All Articles are subject to Ethical Guidelines for Journals prescribed by the High Education Commission (HEC) in addition to further restrictions prescribed by the Centre. Manuscripts of the Articles should be original and not submitted to any other journal anywhere else and the Author will submit an undertaking in this regard while submitting the Articles. Articles are published after peer review subject to policy of the Centre. Once an Article is sent for peer review then it cannot be withdrawn. Editor as well as Editorial Board of the Centre has the right to edit the Article appropriately according to policy of the Centre or it will be pointed out to the Author to make such appropriate changes recommended by the Editor or Editorial Board. Observations or deficiencies pointed by the Reviewer(s) will be conveyed to the Author for making appropriate corrections or changes as suggested by the Reviewer(s). If the observations or deficiencies pointed by the Reviewer(s) are not incorporated by the Author or disagreed, the Article shall be deemed to be rejected for publication in the relevant Journal. The observations, corrections, deficiencies or amendments suggested by the Reviewer(s) shall be deemed by the Editor and Editorial Board and there is no right of review or appeal against the decision of the Editor or Editorial Board.
  5. Originality of Ideas: Centre appreciate and prefer such articles which contained new and original ideas about the topic. All ideas, statements and texts taken from other sources should be properly cited and referenced according to prescribed system of referencing.
  6. Plagiarism Policy: The Centre follow Plagiarism Policy of the HEC in addition to further guidelines, if so issued, by the Centre. Copied or Articles of others submitted under the name of Author for publication in the Journal(s) shall be dealt in accordance with policy and law. None is absolved from criminal liability, if so, provided under the relevant law.
  7. Styling and Referencing: Referencing, foot-notes, citations and other parameters regarding style of the Article should be according to the Chicago Manual of Style (2017 edition).
  8. Language and Spelling:British English Language, its syntax and grammar should be used in a well-organized, structured and systematic manner dividing the Article into Headings and Sub-headings according to requirement of the material and expression. Principles of grammar, syntax and idiomatic expression of language should be followed. Prepositions and spellings should also be in the same manner. It is suggested in your MS Office set the language as English (United Kingdom) to avoid difference of spellings.
  9. Length of Article: Articles or Papers should be not less than 5500 words and more than 7000 (5500-7000) words excluding the Abstract. Figures, Table or Maps, if so necessary, should be aligned within text.
  10. Length of Book Reviews: Book Review(s) should not be more than 1100-1300 words.
  11. Abstract: There should be an Abstract stating the main idea of the Article which should be between 120 to 150 (120-150) words.
  12. Keywords: There should not be more than 10 Keywords.
  13. Introduction of the Author: There should an Introduction of the Author which should be between 200 to 250 (200-250) words.
  14. Format of Article or Review: MS Office format with Times Roman Font of 12 point be used.
  15. Decision of the Editor or Editorial Board: Decision of the Editor or Editorial Board regarding selection or acceptance of any Article or Review for necessary processing and publication shall be final. In case of further processing of any Article or Review, the Author shall be informed accordingly from time to time on the Email of the Author and it shall be duty of the Author to follow timeframe(s). Non-compliance of timeline(s) shall amount to summary rejection of any Article or Review for further processing or publication, as the case may be.
  16. Sending of Article or Review: All Articles or Reviews should be sent to the Email of the Editor within due date. Submission process shall be closed on the CLOSING DATE.

Email Address:

NON-COMPLIANCE: Articles and Book Reviews not in compliance with above instructions should not be processed and shall be deemed to be rejected without any intimation to the Author or Reviewer.

Dr. G. M. Chaudhry
Chief Editor
Member/Secretary, Editorial Board

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